Would you like to get more out of life? Gain greater levels of joy, happiness and meaning?
Would you like to instead...
Become aware of the enemies and obstacles to your happiness!
Learn how to interrupt dysfunctional patterns in your life that are impacting your happiness!
Gain new Success Strategies for increasing happiness and success!
Fill your life with greater levels of joy, meaning and purpose!
Then Avoiding the Enemies to HAPPINESS may be just what you are looking for!
"This book is a gateway to a life of meaning and success. The techniques are practical, can be used anywhere and they work! All delivered in an easy to read book that makes SENSE!! I did not realise the arrival of the enemies but I definitely realised when my enemies left. The difference was physically amazing. Being a sufferer of anxiety for many years now, it was like being handed the secret to life. It has set me free from the grip of anxiety. My life has more purpose now."
Allison Staggard
Avoiding The Enemies to Human HAPPINESS - obstacles to getting what you want from life
Chapters of the Book – What you will learn:
0. What’s it all ABOUT?
Overview of the technologies: NLP, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, mBIT
Structure of the book
1. It’s YOUR world
Low self-esteem and Poor self-image
Negative self-talk and thinking
Limiting patterns, habits and choices
Giving away freedom and flexibility
2. I don’t BELIEVE it
Limiting and negative beliefs
Disempowering cultural constraints and rules
Fear and rigidity
Self-imposed limitations
3. Ignorance is NOT bliss
Denial of reality
Ignorance and stupidity
Deceit of self and others
’Unsane’ thinking and discounting the positive
4. Warning: Slow suicide will kill YOU!
Poor health behaviours
Negative and destructive habits
Depression and pessimism
Short term gratification at long term cost
5. It’s all THEIR fault
Psychopaths and sociopaths
Negative influences of others
Exaggerated expectations and blame
Misplaced and inappropriate trusting
6. Too much, too SOON!
Stress and overload
Unclear priorities and values
Mastering change
7. Piss me off, pay the PRICE
Negative emoting - Revenge, Hate, Anger, Fear, Pain
Emotional state control
Conflict Resolution
8. HALF way there
Incongruence and inconsistency
Not taking courageous action
Supporting congruence and follow through
9. More GREED is better?
Greed and Selfishness
The hedonic treadmill
10. Life is FANTASTIC!
Dreams and desires
Knowing your well-formed outcomes
Values and valuing your life
Having a purpose in life
11. HAPPINESS is a verb
Treating happiness as a process and not an object or destination
Focus on meaning
The importance of helping and connecting with others
Skills of happiness-ing
Inspiring yourself through purpose, meaning and strengths
Poor Decisions – a Key Enemy to Human Happiness
All the actions we take and the results that we generate are a direct result of the following chain of behavior:
Unhappiness comes from poor decisions in each of the steps from Stimulus to Response. Unhappiness is engendered by poor habits of thought and behavior and the unconscious choices we make from moment to moment in the chain from stimulus to response, from desire to the eventual results we generate in our world. By learning how to take control of the steps of this chain, and installing new responses, you can learn to master your emotional responses and build the skills of happiness.
AE2H Strategy
The Avoiding the Enemies to HAPPINESS book operationalizes a strategy of:
1. Being able to spot an enemy to human happiness
2. Pattern interrupt the old habits
3. Trigger new behaviors of happiness and success
4. Focus on and celebrate positive results
"I have been privileged to read this book. I am certainly going to be buying this for many of my friends. I love the thorough coverage of issues, which together form a guidebook for happy and healthy living. I appreciate the way the book takes you on a journey and does not offer a quick fix: this is about you making choices and taking action to create the life you want to live. The book is superbly written, easy to follow and is applicable to everyone. I thoroughly recommend it."
Prof. Suzanne Henwood
New Zealand
Avoiding the Enemies to HAPPINESS (AE2H) is a practical and pragmatic 'how to' guide for avoiding the enemies and causes of unhappiness. The book provides strategies and techniques for generating happiness in life. These strategies and techniques are drawn from the fields of Positive Psychology, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Cognitive Psychology and the burgeoning and exciting new field of mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques).
"AE2H is a simple and powerful guide to achieving happiness in a world of massive change."